Veterans in Excellence
** ACT inc provides SAG and Non Union extras (both adults and children) as well as hand models, stand in's, photo doubles, extras with cars, precision drivers, athletes... If you need anything not listed here, just ask and we will make it happen.
** We pride ourselves in trouble-shooting - our ability to think ahead to what your needs might be and have those bases covered ahead of time. Clients can contact us any time (24/7). Furthermore, we have no "agenda" about who gets cast.
** Services can include payroll handling if desired.
** We provide all info to the talent such as the map, wardrobe, call time and any other special needs required of the extra. We are very hands on and do not close down until everything is confirmed and we feel confident that everyone has all of the necessary info for shoot date. We are up at all call times in case any issues arise.
** We provide SAG clearances, or anything to do with clearing talent for a work day, as well as addressing any issues that might come up with dues etc. We provide copies of clearances upon request.
Put simply, we want to provide the best casting service possible. We do this through fulfilling the needs of production and the ad agency from start to finish.
Regarding Covid. Requirements for covid have gone away but if there is any production or agency that needs to apply anything regarding covid, we can assist with that.
Clients :
8th St Productions// @radical media// Accomplice// Aero FIlm// A Common Thread// Anonymous Content// Anecdotes// Art Class// Backyard// Bandito Brothers// Bark-Bark// Believe Media//Biscuit Filmworks// Boathouse// Bob Industries// Boxer Films//Bright Pictures// Bright Young Things// Calvary Productions// Canada Pulse// Central Films North// Chirp Films// Community Films// Dark Light Pictures// Directors Bureau// Epoch Films// Film Realite// Furlined// Gartner// Gifted Youth, Inc// Go Film// Good Boy Creative// Good Hustle// Gorgeous// Green Dot Films// Harvest// Hello!// HSI Productions// Image Streams, Inc// Innocean // Interrogate// JOJX// Kantara// Konk, Inc// Looking Glass Films // Lost Highway Films// MJZ// Moxie Pictures// MTV// Native Content// O Positive// Pf100// Park Pictures// Pecubu Productions// Picrow Inc// Planet Pre Pro// Prager Studios// Prettybird// Rabbit Content// Recommended Media// Reform School // Rock PaperScissors// RSA Films// Ruffian// Science & Fiction// Softspot// Somesuch// Smuggler// Supply & Demand// The Department Inc// Thomas Winter Cooke Inc// Three (One) 0//Tool of North America// Uber Content// Unsigned LLC// Untitled// and many more .. . No really ! Many More...
About Zach and Laura... if you care :
Zach Schary is no novice to this industry.
This industry has run through his veins since childhood. His Grandfather was Dore Schary, who ran MGM for years. His father, Jeb Schary came up in the agency world of Advertising, and his sister is well seasoned in principal commercial casting.
Laura Skill has worked hand in hand with Zach from the beginning and is now the main casting director at ACT inc. She has worked in production for over a decade and has a clear understanding of the look that is trying to be achieved as well as the professionalism required to work on any set.
Together they both know the ins and out of the industry. They can answer any question regarding the rules and bylaws of SAG.